Friday, June 15, 2007


Could I get any bigger? I don't think so. I am now getting to the point where everything, and I mean EVERYTHING, agitates me. The other day Mira and I were shopping and I wanted to slap around some of the sales clerks just because they said hi to me and I didn't like their retail insincerity. I am hyper-sensitive about people saying things like, "Oh, your first baby? Probably be late, honey, sorry" or "Just enjoy your time to yourself right now." Oh yeah, sure. Easy for you to say when you aren't truckin' around an extra and sudden 40 lbs., when your back isn't constantly in agony, when you can't sleep because of pain, and when your hormones aren't entirely out of whack! And why do complete strangers feel it's necessary to turn me around, look me up and down, and assess whether I am having a boy or girl based on whether I am carrying a lot in my butt! Hrrmmmmpppffffffffffffffffffff!!!!!! Stop the insanity!!!!!!

Ok, I'm done. For now.