Friday, August 04, 2006

The Scoop

Well, I haven't blogged in a long time but I am still safe since it has still been longer since Mira last blogged. I am just kidding, Mira. But seriously. Blog.

The news? Well, the summer has been one of ups and downs. I was without work for two months after coming back from B.C. and losing my mind. It was a spiritual trial and there were times when I felt like I failed miserably at trusting God to provide. But, despite my weakness, he provided anyway. I am now trying to balance four jobs: working for Jay's parents on weekends, working at William's and Food Services at Redeemer, at the WRF doing data entry, and now for Chris Cuthill as I prepare to curate the Art Gallery for next year. So, it's awesome! The coolest thing is that God has provided me with work where I am in touch with people I know and love in every job. I am able to strengthen relationships and grow in them. Which is a lot more than I can say working at the Undermount Bar and Grill for a week under the supervision of an anal retentive boss and waitresses who think excitement is modeling for Maxim and coming to work with a hangover. The world shocks me sometimes.

Jay and I now have a vehicle! Woo-hoo! And we also have a new addition to the family. His name is Arvo and he is a three month old tabby.

Anyhow, that is most of the news. Just an update.

P.S. Visit me at William's if you are in the area. I get so bored.