Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Hunger for Beauty

In my art classes, Cuthill has been emphasizing the "hard-wiring" of the human being for the aesthetic experience; how we long fervantly after that which is beautiful and that these ideals are, in many ways, cross-cultural. This is significant in acknowledging a human "blueprint," if you will. We have for thousands of years placed Creation on an artistic pedestal and made attempts to reproduce, re-express, and even in some cases, worship it for its beauty. It is so critical as Christians, to take moments in which we stop to revel in God's creation and to see Him thus reflected in it. It is in these moments that we can perhaps receive a unique revelation of God's person, His character, and to understand God as an Artist. I wanted to record here some of my recent breath-taking moments with God and pauses I've had no other choice but to take with His creation:

1. The beautiful design of bees and their intricate relationships with one another. I don't particularly like bees, but I find it almost humorous that they dance to notify the others of a pollen source. Also, I just heard through a friend that bees determine the distance from the hive to a pollen source through spatial complexity--they gauge the distance via the complex designs that pass by their eyes. Ok, so if this isn't a fingerprint of God, I don't know what is!

2. Peggy's Cove--There is something most paradoxical about the majestically frightening and inherently soothing power of waves crashing and colliding on jagged rocks. This paradox reminds me of God's character, scripturally speaking. There was actually a sign there (at Peggy's Cove) that said something like "You are short a few screws if you go to close to the edge of the water"--and I really wanted to.

3. My dog, Ceilidh--she cannot contain her joy when I walk through the front door. Sure, she's annoying at times but her faithfulness, willingness to be at my feet at all times, reminds me of the obedience I am called to with the Lord..."even the dog waits patiently at the Master's table for the crumbs that may fall..." (paraphrased).

4. Wine--God is good! He knows our love for the delicate and intricate, even when it comes to satisfying our tastebuds. And He gave us, even through Jesus' first miracle, a fine drink to bring joy and rosyness to our cheeks, the wisdom (hopefully) to use it in a stewardly fashion, and the art of perfecting it.

Oh and the list is eternally long, isn't it?