Friday, September 16, 2005


It is a rare occasion that I have more than one thing to blog about per day. Usually, I have to try to be creative, but today I am overflowing with things I can't wait to blog about! And I figure that I should try to make up some of that lost time where I didn't blog at all. How dull is that?

This entry is about the club/gathering that Jay and I hold at our house (as of right now) called F.O.S.C. which--perhaps sacrilegiously, depending on your denomination--stands for The Fruit of the Spirit Club. We are an amateur wine tasting club. We gather bi-weekly to sample different wines from regions all over the world, to attempt single-phrase descriptions of the wine's particular flavour and qualities, and to compare wines based on various criteria. It is a rather enlightening experience and one that combines both the richness of fellowship and the socially responsible drink. I feel that Jesus would be quite pleased! We would like to incorporate a brief devotional time as well.

So this is a formal invite to those of you who are interested in participating. We would like to keep the group to minimum of 4 and maximum of say 12-15 (which would be rather large!). But, please comment if you would like more information or are curious about our Mission Statement. We don't really have one, but uh...yeah. "We like wine, we love Jesus, and this is fun" would probably sum it up.
